lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Prologue, The Prince of Bórdovar.

Superando ya las cinco mil visitas, wow!!! muchas gracias a todos lo que pasan por acá y en agradecimiento (y porque siguen a la espera) les comparto el prólogo del primer libro en inglés.

Thank you so much for the visit and for the acknowledgment, in this post I give to you the prologue of the first book "The Prince of Bórdovar" thanks for this five thousand visits in the blog, please enjoy  this beginning.

Someone was approaching with a determined step to a room.
The touches on a door rang out. The barking of a dog rushed to answer.
“Come in.” A deep voice said as he caressed the dog.
An impeccable and seriously butler made his entrance. He leaned making the proper reverence and he added:
“The ship is coming, your highness. The coachman goes to search for her.”
The silence covers for a moment. Indifferent to the words, the man continues yet in his work. Sitting at his desk, he writes in his diary with a fine fountain pen of silver and gold. His soft and fine hands, draw on the paper a beautiful calligraphy.
“That’s good” he answering without showing interest.
"Do you want to do something special?” ask the butler.
“Nothing" answered dryly.
“For now I do not want to do anything," said firmly "leave me alone"
“As you wish your highness.”  The sad butler responded bowing his head, leaning again and leaving the room.
Closing the door behind him, in the mind and the heart of the butler, the impotence silenced him. In his melancholy and lonely life, accompanied him only a melody, the melody that reminded him of what he once he loved. "Pavane for a dead princess" from Ravel was all that in their loneliness he murmured, something that he made back in the time for a moment. At the time of his youth, where he had been happy.
After the visit of the butler, the prince could not continue writing. The "Gymnopedie No 1" from Satie it sounded for himself, demonstrating his mood. He put to one side pen and stood up in the direction of the window. His bearing was straight, and his step firm. He put his hands backward as he watched the horizon. He is breathing gently, trying to contain the air and dropping slowly. Now already he was not sure, he doubted his decision. By his mind many things happened and the bases its tranquility began to shake. He had been indifferent to all women's and she would not be privileged to get his attention. He had not felt anything by one and she, would not be the exception. He was too haughty and proud. And that was his decision.
No one, no a State matter was taking him away his peace like her.
He did not know her, neither wanted to do it. For the first time began to question himself, for the first time was beginning to feel nervous. For the first time, he felt a series of strange and unknown emotions. And for the first time, he began to hate each himself for that.

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2015

Mi reino

Me agrada muchos saber que algunas personas pasan muy pendientes de mis publicaciones aquí por el blog, me alegra que les gusten, gracias a los que están pendientes de las publicaciones en inglés, la gramática inglesa no es sencilla porque no es lo mismo hablarlo que escribirlo o entenderlo ¿les ha pasado? y yo aunque tuve serios problemas para aprenderlo desde pequeña eso más bien ha sido un impulso y un reto para hacerlo algo que ha hecho que me gusten los idiomas, mi primer post en inglés es la quinta publicación más popular según me muestra el blog y eso lo agradezco mucho. Thanks to all.
En este post vengo a presentarles a manera de spoiler mi reino, el reino que mi imaginación creó y al que quiero llevarlas cuando me leen, quiero que se transporten a ese reino y puedan imaginar los paisajes y castillos que narro. Este mapa saldrá en el libro 6 ya que en este quinto libro se menciona, aprender junto a la joven Leonor un poco más de Bórdovar y de la mano del mismo príncipe Leopoldo fue muy emocionante para mí (yo de autora haciendo mal tercio ni modo) pero un poco más de esto podrán leer en el libro recién publicado, como pude yo misma lo dibujé (y no me pregunten cuanto tiempo me llevó hacerlo) pero fue algo que disfruté mucho, esta es la isla de Bórdovar, mi reino, mi mundo y al mismo que quiero que mis lectoras se adentren.

—Más adelante conocerás más de esto —continuó mientras me sujetaba de la cintura—. Cada blasón tiene su significado y debes saber, luego se te explicarán. 
—Es lógico —le dije besando su mejilla. 
—Y este que ves aquí es nuestro mapa, ésta es la isla de Bórdovar.
Era un enorme y precioso tapiz de color antiguo como los pergaminos y rodeado de una delicada y fina cinta dorada, por fin sabía exactamente cómo era la isla después de cerciorarme, el mapa era igual al que estaba en el libro.
—Es fascinante —no dejaba de mirarlo—. Ahora esto tiene sentido. 
—Como ves la rosa náutica muestra los puntos cardinales —los señaló—. El ducado de Kronguel está al norte, nosotros al este, la baronía de Branckfort al sur, el marquesado de Gallkerg en el centro y el condado de Montfork al oeste. 
—Y rodeados por agua supongo que hay un puerto en cada esquina —sonreí.  
—Así es, ese ha sido nuestro fuerte, embarcaciones provenientes de todas partes llegan a ellos con mercadería y a su vez nosotros también exportamos.

Fragmento de "Nieblas del Pasado 3"

martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

The first videos of the books.

I am so pleased to share these first videos with all of you. I wanted to show an idea of what the books are.

Video # 1

A magical kingdom of beautiful landscapes with dreamy castles and an unknown prince.
The saga begins ...

 And video # 2

A kingdom amidst the sea that still in this century, it stayed suspended in the time. A Prince a prisoner of his circumstances locks himself in itself, showing indifference toward his people and toward the crown. Will someone be able to do change him and prevent a kingdom from sinking into the darkness?
Sunset and Sunrise, first part, The Prince of Bórdovar.